
Once you become a member, there are many opportunities for you to volunteer with us at Thoughtful Foods. We are completely volunteer-run, so appreciate any help you can give us! Use the online form here to express your interest.

The benefits of volunteering!

Apart from learning new skills and becoming part of a diverse group of interesting, supportive people, volunteering earns you discounts in the shop! Three hours of volunteering a week earns you a 30% discount on most shop items. This discount must be claimed in the week you do your volunteering. There are no further discounts on veggie boxes or bread.

Volunteer induction

Before you can volunteer, you need to complete the induction process which includes reading some resources and agreeing to the Thoughtful Foods policies and attending an induction session. The induction session ensures you are covered by our insurance and allows us to give you the rundown on the shop and how things work. In person inductions run regularly, usually on Tuesdays from 10.45am to 1.15pm. Contact volunteer[@]thoughtfulfoods.org.au to book in.

Types of volunteering

As we are completely volunteer-run, there are many volunteering options available at Thoughtful Foods. 


Shop Shift Volunteers perform regular, weekly 3-hour shop shifts. This enables us to keep the co-op open and involves staffing the till, assisting shoppers, and cleaning. If you can regularly come into the shop, we’d love to have you join us behind the till.

Content Creators to write and/or design content for social media and email bulletins. This can include research and writing about the co-op’s products.

Stock Assistants meet deliveries (during opening hours or outside of opening-hours), restock groceries, and help with maintaining labels and product research.

Events and Outreach Volunteers help organise, run and staff various co-op events when they occur.

Project Volunteers (in-person or hybrid) help with specific projects – these vary depending on what is needed at the time.

Project Volunteers (remote only) help with specific projects – these vary depending on what is needed at the time.

Drivers pick-up supplies and deliveries and drop them off at the co-op as needed. Drivers must have access to a car and a valid license.

All volunteers receive the volunteer discount (30% off most groceries items in each week they volunteer for 3 or more hours).

Current volunteer opportunities include


Project Volunteer Role

Type of Volunteering

Coordinator Contact Point

Content Creators and Digital Crew


Communications and Engagement Coordinator

Graphic Designer


Communications and Engagement Coordinator

Sign Writer


Communications and Engagement Coordinator

Features Writer


Communications and Engagement Coordinator

Shop Shift Volunteers

In person

Volunteers and Training Coordinator

Events and Outreach Crew

In person

Volunteers and Training Coordinator

Stalls Team

In person

Volunteers and Training Coordinator

Potluck Organiser

Hybrid/In person

Volunteers and Training Coordinator

Display, Merchandising and Labels Assistant

In person

Stock Coordinator

Stock Assistants (receiving and refill support) 

In person

Stock Coordinator

Veg Packers

In person

Stock Coordinator

Membership Assistant

Remote/Hybrid/In person

Systems and Operations Coordinator

Process Documentation Assistant


Systems and Operations Coordinator

Cleaning Bee & Spruce Up Crew

In person

Systems and Operations Coordinator


In person

Systems and Operations Coordinator


In person

All Coordinators



We are currently looking for a Volunteers and Training Coordinator and are also recruiting a Communications and Engagement Coordinator and Stock Coordinator. You can find the general Coordinator role description here. There are also specific role specific descriptions which sit along side this.

Volunteers and Training Coordinator

The Volunteers and Training Coordinator is responsible for coordinating recruitment, training, and supporting the ongoing participation of regular, task-specific, and casual volunteers as well as ensuring the shop shift roster is staffed. You can find a role description here. If you are interested please contact secretary[@]thoughtfulfoods.org.au with details of your interest and any relevant experience.

Communications and Engagement Coordinator

The Communications and Engagement Coordinator is responsible for coordinating regular, consistent communications reflecting the co-op’s values and ethics across multiple platforms, organising regular engagement and outreach events, and looking after and training volunteers working on communications and engagement projects. You can find a role description here. If you are interested please contact secretary[@]thoughtfulfoods.org.au with details of your interest and any relevant experience.

Stock Coordinator

The Stock Coordinator is responsible for ordering groceries, coordinating the weekly veggie boxes and groceries and looking after volunteers who receive, refill, and research stock. If you are interested please contact secretary[@]thoughtfulfoods.org.au with details of your interest and any relevant experience.

Coordinators are accountable to the Directors for the day-to-day running of Thoughtful Foods. This requires commitment, reliability, and responsibility. Coordinating is a great opportunity to learn about how the co-op is run on an operational level and improve your leadership skills. Coordinator roles require an average time commitment of 8-11 hours per week, including participation in the weekly Coordinators’ meeting and a 4-5 hour weekly shop shift. Talk to a coordinator in the shop or email secretary[@]thoughtfulfoods.org.au if you are interested.

Coordinators receive the volunteer discount, keys to the co-op, and a small allowance (in the form of shop credit).


Do you want to take on more responsibility, but can’t afford the time commitment for a Coordinator role? Are you interested in what happens behind the scenes, policy, strategy, and in helping direct the future of the co-op? Directors look after the strategy, policy, and planning of the co-op, with roles covering finance, people, safety, legal, and various projects.

Directors are elected at the Annual General Meeting and accountable to membership. There are currently several casual vacancies available. We’re looking for people with a demonstrated knowledge of, and commitment to, co-op values. At the moment, skills and experience in HR, strategic communication and/or fundraising skills are particularly desirable.

Directors receive an ongoing 30% discount on most groceries items in the shop in return for an average commitment of at least 3 hours a week, attendance at monthly meetings, participation in planning and training sessions. Enquire about the directors’ roles and responsibilities by emailing secretary[@]thoughtfulfoods.org.au.

Use the online form here or email volunteer[@]thoughtfulfoods.org.au to express your interest in any of these types of volunteering.